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Historical is a newly formed discipline which has the following charter.

To have a group of 4-5 members of the association interested in all phases of horse drawn vehicles in Australia with the view of,                                                                               

  1. Contributing to the establishment and ongoing development of an archival record of horse drawn vehicles in Australia.
  2. Encouraging clubs to gather and supply the panel with historical information from its members.
  3. Organising to see “collections” of carriages and carriage driving related material.
  4. Provide articles for the ACDS Journal and NSW Whip Around.
  5. To help members with unusual vehicles and equipment, gain expert identification from knowledgeable people.
  6. To have a facility for members to pass on historic publications for preservation.
  7. To periodically run schools on restoration – painting- lining – costumes act.
  8. Historical Carriage Information form

The following selection of vehicles belong to members and friends, and we have recorded there details and provenance. If you have a vehicle of interest to add to the records or wish to discuss any matter, please contact anyone of the above Historical Panel.


  • Convenor: Alan Ongley,
  • Carol Fitzparick,